Tuesday, March 13, 2012

DSDN104 - Solidworks - First 3D Model(s)

First model I had created in solid works, I took the basic outlines and shapes I liked from my precedent  images and traced them for a basic shape in solidworks. They were then to be imported into 3ds for further development in a series of 81 alliterations which would have to relate to my three worlds that I had chosen. 

  • Organic(adjective):
Characteristics of pertaining to or derived from living organisms, organic remains found in rocks of, or pertaining to an organ or organs of an animal, plant or fungus. Pertaining to, or affecting living tissue.
  • Abstract(noun):
A thought of apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances: an abstract idea. Expressing a quality or characteristic apart from an specific object or instance, as in justice, poverty and speed. An idea of term considered apart from some material basis or object. An abstract work of art.
  • Swirl(Verb):
To twist or whirl as an eddy. To be arranged in a twist, spiral or whorl.

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